I had an amazing summer. First, I took an additional elective course that was a 6 day tour of production agriculture in Texas and veterinary medicine within production agriculture. I learned so much more than I anticipated learning, and more importantly I nailed down my final career choice. I know for sure now that I want to be a production medicine vet. It is a very different aspect of medicine that, admittedly, is not for most students. I won't bore you with the details (unless you're just dying to know) about the differences in traditional practice and production medicine practice. The important part of this whole decision is that I feel like my goals are even more solidified now. Yes, not only will I graduate as a vet ( a big goal) but I know what kind of vet I want to be, I know where in this HUGE state I want to practice, I know where to start seeking externships, jobs and mentors. I know where to focus my attention. It's a little like trying to navigate roads with a paper map, versus a GPS system. I have always known where it is I want to go, now I feel like I have a direct plan for getting there and all the other roads, and potential paths are nice to know, but essentially its just scenery. I realize that the vast majority of vet students change their plan sometime during school. I haven't really changed my goal, I just solidified it--I found the niche that I didn't know existed for me.
So I will walk in to class tomorrow with a better focus, and that feels pretty amazing. Surprisingly, I am actually ready to go back to class. I had a nice relaxing summer, had some good vacations and family time, but I also learned a TON and it makes me hungry for more. The sooner I go back, the sooner I graduate, right? This year is going to be difficult, classes certainly don't get easier. I am facing pharmacology, paristology, pathology, and domestic animal nutrition. The good news is NO ANATOMY!!! Anatomy was a time vacuum and it will not be missed. While theoretically I should have extra time this semester, I have also chosen to work (only 10 hours a week) to help Husband pay some bills. I got a new truck this summer and I just didn't feel right making him pay for EVERYTHING. I will be keeping the same job I had over the summer, (I'll post a separate post about my summer later) its right on campus and is so valuable for practical hands on knowledge that I actually think it will benefit my retention rather than detract from study time. That's my hope anyway, we'll see how it goes!
So I'm spending today cleaning house, doing laundry, cooking, gardening, and sharpening my pencils, so that I feel ready to start fresh tomorrow. I am not nearly as nervous as last year, in fact not nervous at all, which makes me a little nervous. I feel like I know the ropes, know the system, and I have great friends...I am so ready for second year. Typing that makes me laugh, I have said that before, like the time I went skiing. I looked up the mountain and the lift and thought how hard can this be? I arrived at the top of the mountain, looked down, fell and then promptly asked if my lift ticket was good for a two-way trip. (It was!) I realize that saying I am ready to start, and being so happy that first year is over will last until about October when I am knee deep in hemonchus contortis, and cardiac glycosides, and I will want to throw in the towel and sell Amway for a living. But, a healthy dose of optimism never hurt anyone, right?
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