So, with my perfectly good computer ruined, I decided to shop online (on husband's laptop) for a replacement model. But where o where would we get the money for that? After the new car purchase last month, there is little to spare. "Maybe," I thought "they have already posted our student loan money and maybe just maybe I am getting a refund for more than I expected." It was a long shot I know, but worth a try. I looked on my student account...bills are posted, (yes! only 10 days late too!) And what is this, an $8000 refund!!!! No way that's correct, no chance. I looked at the itemized bill, waaaay lower than I expected. Great, just a mistake. I contacted several classmates, and much to my surprise, the bill was right ! Yes, I had misread the tuition information I had calculated it on a per semester basis when it was actually per year. What a stupid mistake, but it worked out soooo in my favor. So, as it turns out, I will be receiving that $8000 refund check in the next few weeks. And I am not so stressed about how much vet school is going to cost. It is much more manageable than previously thought.
Still, I was devastated over the death of my laptop, and Husband was going to be pissed. I thought a nice relaxing bath might relieve some stress. On the way to the bathroom, I pressed the power button on my laptop--just for shit's and giggles--IT TURNED ON!!! Yes, my friends, not dead, just a small coma. The laptop is completely revived and functioning quite well, no lasting effects (at least not yet!). BEST DAY EVER! I am still slightly sad that I don't get a new computer--I was coveting just a little building my own on the Sony website. After all, it was gonna be "Sangria Red Crocodile Skin" who can resist that? But, my computer is perfectly fine, I LOVE it, 3 years old and nothing at all wrong with it--minus the water damage. I highly recommend a Sony Vaio. Husband's Dell is a P.O.S.
Could the day get better? Yes, yes it could. Upon hearing the news that we were the unexpected recipients of millions of dollars (well, at least in our broke world) Husband decided that he could leave work a little early and actually get so spend a Saturday at home, with me. This NEVER happens he works 9-9 every weekend without fail, so one Saturday afternoon is like hitting the relaxation jackpot. He came home, we took the dogs to the lake, their favorite place to be in the summer. We let them off leash to roam, swim, play fetch in the water and chase rabbits. Though Maggie spent most of her time hunting out and digging up oyster shells, and arranging them in a neat little pile. Not sure why she was collecting those, but she loved it. We ended the day with a movie rental, also something we never do. Sad, when that's our treat, but it's really hard to just run to a rental place when you live 30 miles from town. I cooked dinner, we relaxed and talked and generally enjoyed a rare weekend night together.
I am still on a high from yesterday. Things just became soooo much easier financially around here. Turns out we will be able to go to the wedding in Chicago after all, and some very pressing bills are getting paid. Yes, I am fully aware that this is only LOAN money and that at some point we will have to pay Uncle Sam back. But when the money can go towards paying off some high interest bills, unexpected medical bills, books we thought would be out of pocket and setting some back for a cushion for the semester, it seems worth it. I won't take out as many loans next year, seeing as how we probably won't NEED the money then, but for now it is an answered prayer. Perhaps I should use a tiny portion of that money to build a little cat proof fence around my laptop, we'll see.
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